An Omega for the Sheriff Read online

Page 5

  Once everyone was seated again, Phil brought up the plan we’d cooked up over the phone. “Why don’t you have Trygg help you? He’s big and strong and I’ll bet he’s a quick learner. It wouldn’t take you any time at all to fix any breaks in the fence.

  “Oh, I don’t know…”

  “Sounds good to me…” Rebel and I both spoke at the same time, but as Rebel’s voice trailed off, mine kept going. “I could use some exercise. Sounds like a plan.”

  My omega didn’t look too thrilled, but he nodded his head in agreement. “Fine. Meet me out at the back acreage on the southwest corner. I’ll have all the supplies in the truck. We’ll walk the fence line and see if there is any damage. Once we know where the breaks are, we can get drive the truck over.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I couldn’t wait to get my omega alone to talk. I figured he’d be more open out walking the land he loved. I hoped, anyway.

  A few hours later, I stood waiting for Rebel, admiring the view. This back section of the property was mostly undeveloped, the fence that stretched the full length of the property dividing Rebel’s property from the one next door the only indication of any borders. The land had been in Rebel’s family for over a hundred years. I knew Rebel’s family had traveled with Griffen Sugar to found the area that had become Sugar Beach back in the late eighteen hundreds. I might not have been a part of my omega’s life since the night we met. It didn’t mean I hadn’t done my research. I knew everything I needed to know about my omega so I could keep him safe. I did my best to protect him even when he wasn’t watching. Doing that little bit eased the alpha in me that wanted to protect my omega since I couldn’t claim him.

  Alphas in the past had claimed omegas even when the omega didn’t want the match. It was a brutal world back then. The world was changing and omegas had more freedoms these days. There were still alphas who believed in the old ways. I wasn’t one of them. Unfortunately, the law was still a gray area when it came to alpha/omega relationships. The laws were catching up, but there was still a long way to go before omegas had the same privileges as betas. I hoped to see the day when both betas and omegas had all the same rights as alphas, but that was still a long time coming.

  The sound of a truck brought me out of my musings and I thought perhaps it was Rebel. However, a short moment later, a truck came into view on the neighboring property. It drove along a rutted track of sand, coming closer to where I was standing before following the track into the scrub brush and disappearing from view behind a wall of scrub pines and palm trees. I was curious because I knew the property belonged to Old Man Peterson who had passed last year. I hadn’t been aware of the place selling or anyone moving into the old house. As deputy sheriff assigned to Sugar Beach, part of my job was knowing which properties were abandoned and needed a closer watch. As far as I knew, the place was still listed as abandoned and on my list of properties when I made rounds.

  Rebel’s truck roared down the rutted track on this side of the fence, kicking up a cloud of sand behind it. Coming to stop a few feet away, my omega hopped out of the truck. He always took my breath away, this omega of mine. Smaller than me, he was beautiful. He had a slim build that hid the muscles he had underneath. I’d seen this omega lift fifty-pound sacks of fertilizer as if it were nothing. He was strong, despite his size.

  Pulling a cowboy hat from the truck, he popped it on his head before closing the door and walking toward me. His gait was graceful, and my eyes tracked the slight sway of his hips. He wore his usual harem pants, which seemed to accentuate the way his lower body moved instead of detracting from it with the extra fabric it had between the legs. I’d never worn anything like them, but I assumed they were comfortable since it was all Rebel seemed to wear.

  “You ready to walk?” Rebel asked as he stepped up to me.

  “About as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Rebel nodded and flicked his head toward the fence line before leading the way. As we walked down the fence, looking for breaks, I brought up the truck I had seen earlier. Rebel looked surprised, stopping to take his hat off and wipe the sweat from his brow.

  “As far as I know, Old Man Peterson only had one son. I met him at the funeral. They hadn’t talked in a few years because of some falling out. I’m not sure what. I only know what Peterson said. From the little he said, I’d guess the son had gotten into some kind of trouble with the law. I’m not sure what it was. He never said.” Rebel kept walking the fence as he talked. “After the funeral, I tried to buy the place. I gave the son a good offer, but he turned me down. As far as I know, it hasn’t been sold. The house is still empty though. I drove by just the other day and it’s still all boarded up.”

  “So, there shouldn’t be anyone on the property?”

  “Not as far as I know. Peterson’s son went back north as far as I know.”

  “I’ll let my supervisor know and he can check it out. See if the place has been sold or if the son is back.”

  Not long after, we found the first break in the fence and marked it. We found two more breaks after that and walked back to the truck. Leisure time was officially over.

  The fence was made of posts sticking five feet above ground with cattle fencing stretched between them. It was a simple matter of cutting out the broken sections and stretching out new wire fencing. The roll of fencing was heavy, and it took both of us to lift it out of the truck. Rebel nailed the wire to the post with u-shaped staples, hammering them into place with precise skill. We stretched the wire out to the next post and I tried nailing it to the post. It took me twice as long to hammer in one staple, but I managed. Rebel never said a word or tried to take over and I appreciated his restraint.

  Two hours later, all three breaks had been repaired, and the supplies loaded back into the truck. We were both hot and sweaty. I was ready for a cold beer and air conditioning. Even though it was late November, and the weather had been dropping down to the forties at night, most days were still warm. It was a lot cooler than in the summer though, making me glad I wasn’t fixing fences in ninety-degree weather with the sun beating down on us.

  Overall, it had been a good day. Rebel had talked to me without running away. It had felt good working beside my omega. I could see the two of us doing jobs around the nursery together. It was a future I looked forward to making a reality.



  I followed the music. The beats of Lorde’s Royals filled the house, getting louder as I stepped into the living room. I found Rebel there, but a Rebel I’d never seen before. Oh, he looked the same. He wore his usual harem pants. These sat low on his hips. I could see the divot where his ass began, giving a hint of what lay beneath.

  No, what stopped me short was the sway of his hips as he moved to the music. I was mesmerized. I couldn’t tear my gaze away as Rebel moved with the beat of the drums, isolating each muscle, moving them as if they were separate.

  He hadn’t seen me yet, so I stared. How could I not? He was a feast for the eyes as he belly danced to the music, each beat a movement of the hips that defied physics.

  Each time the music played a soft, smooth transition, Rebel’s arms flowed in an undulating rhythm. The muscles of his belly rippled in a downward movement that was captivating. The combination was one I never thought the male body could pull off in such a magnetic way. Magnetic was an understatement. Rebel was riveting. I almost swallowed my tongue.

  The music changed, a drum heavy section with quick beats. Rebel’s hips hit each beat, back and forth. I felt the throb of my dick pulsing, almost in time with those hips I couldn’t tear my eyes away from. I’d never seen a man belly dance before, but given how turned on I was by the show, I wondered why more men didn’t do it.

  Shoulders popped with the drums, isolated from the rest of the body. Rebel’s chest joined his shoulders in a move that should have been connected yet he somehow managed to separate his muscles to keep each movement segmented. Rebel owned his body in that moment, he owned me.

He fascinated me, and I wanted to drag him to the ground and pound into him. I was spellbound, locked into the spot, unable to move as I watched the show.

  Sweat beaded out on my forehead. I felt the drops as first one, then another dripped down the side of my face. I was a hot, throbbing mess. My cock swelled, making my denim uncomfortably tight.

  Rebel turned, giving me a side view. My knees almost buckled. I grabbed hold of the wall next to me just to stay upright. He was beautiful.

  If seeing those hypnotic undulations from the back was captivating, watching each group of muscles play together in a mystical way that shouldn’t have been possible was downright enthralling. Eyes closed, Rebel moved as if one with the music, each section of his body separate yet manipulated in precise movements, one flowing into the other effortlessly.

  I could have watched forever. I couldn’t help but moan at the sight of my omega being so seductive, and that’s when it ended. Rebel opened his eyes, and they locked with mine, bringing him to an abrupt stop. His chest moved up and down as his breathing increased in a way it hadn’t the whole time he was dancing. He picked up a remote and silenced the music.

  “I didn’t realize you were here. I like to wind down with music at the end of the day.” Rebel’s face flushed red, and he refused to look me in the eye as he spoke.

  Finally convincing my legs they could move, I stepped up to my mate, grasping his chin in my hand. He resisted only for a moment before allowing me to turn his head to face me. “Don’t be embarrassed. You were beautiful. I loved watching you dance.”

  I didn’t like the surprise in his eyes as they met mine. My mate should be secure enough to embrace the things he loved doing. If belly dancing gave him pleasure, let him dance. I was more than willing to watch the show. It was enticing. Captivating. Erotic.

  “Watching you turned me on. You made me hard. So hard.” My voice dropped, getting huskier with each statement. I pulled Rebel into my arms, close enough he could feel the truth of my words. “One of these days, I want to see you dance with nothing on. I want to see your hips move and your cock swing. I want to see it hit your belly with each shift from one side to the other, drops of precum oozing out as you flaunt your body, showing me everything you are.”

  Rebel’s cock grew stiff under those harem pants and pressed up against me. It throbbed against my leg, telling me he was just as turned on as I was. I leaned in, my lips a breath away from touching his. “Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me you don’t want me. I’ll walk away and never come back.”

  “I can’t lie. I do want you. I’ve always wanted you. The timing always sucked, but I have never not wanted you.”

  My lips crashed onto his. My tongue swiped across them as I tasted my mate. He opened for me and I dipped inside, exploring him, loving the taste of him.

  Rebel’s hips moved against my leg, grinding against me as I deepened the kiss. It was a heady experience, kissing my mate. I never wanted it to end. As much as I wanted to push for more, he wasn’t ready. I refused to force myself on the man simply because I was a horny bastard who wanted to sink balls deep inside him and lose myself for days.

  I broke the kiss and stepped away. The dreamy look on Rebel’s face as he realized I wasn’t kissing him anymore made me want to do nothing more than pull him into my arms again. It seemed like all I ever did was walk away from my mate, and I was about to do it again. He wasn’t ready, and I wasn’t going to push it.

  Still cradling his jaw with my hand, I rubbed his swollen lips with my thumb. “Never doubt that I want you, Rebel. You. The man. The omega. The belly dancer. I want all of you, just as you are, and one day you’ll be ready to let me in.”

  With those words, I walked away again. It tore my heart out to leave Rebel standing there, but I had to walk away until he was ready.



  “… I want you, Rebel. You. The man. The omega. The belly dancer.” Did Trygg really mean that? Would he still mean it when he found out how unlike an omega I was at times? I couldn’t let myself believe it.

  Overseeing the loading of the last Christmas trees of the season, I was saddened to see them go. Life moved on and I needed to move with it. The land was constantly changing and I couldn’t afford to let the trees just sit there or I’d be losing money. That was the last thing my parents would have wanted for me. They had been all about growing the business our family had started so long ago. I was not going to be the one that let it all fall into ruin.

  The last few years had been hard, but I’d survived, gotten used to living without my parents. The memories were still there in every inch of soil, each room in the house. Sometimes I swore I could still hear their voices. I could feel them when I needed their love and support.

  I was driving home when the first of the cramps hit me. I had to stop just to breathe through them. The muscles in my lower abdomen clenched and refused to release until the fourth calming breath moved through my lips. It was too early for my next heat, yet I shouldn’t be surprised, given how irregular my heats had become over the last two years. Desperate to make it back to the house so I could lock myself in, I put the truck in gear.

  The advantage to owning a rural plot of land was the lack of neighbors. One hundred acres separated me from the closest alpha. At least, that was my thinking as I finally pulled up to the house and raced in the door. I locked everything up tight and ran to my room, secure in the knowledge no strange alpha would come sniffing around when I was at my most vulnerable.

  It wasn’t until I was texting Phil to let him know he was on his own for the next week that I remembered my mate. How could I have forgotten my mate? He was here. In my home. For the first time, in almost five years, I could go through a heat with my mate and possibly shorten the pain I’d have to suffer. Could I do that? Could I risk a pregnancy when we were only just now feeling our way to each other?

  I didn’t have the answers but it was imperative I talked to Trygg before my heat got worse and I was no longer lucid. Even though that sounded like a good idea in my head, my hand hesitated on the doorknob. A knock sounded on my door, making me jump.

  “Rebel? Are you okay, babe? I can smell your heat. Why aren’t you taking your heat blockers?” Trygg’s voice was low and husky, filled with worry for me.

  Leaning my head against the door, I brought my hand up to lay flat on the door next to my head. I wondered what it would be like to finally give in to my alpha. Would he be gentle? Or hard and rough, pounding into me until I exploded? At that moment, I wasn’t sure which I wanted. I liked the idea of both.

  “Heat blockers don’t work anymore. They haven’t in a long time.” I admitted my truth, unsure how my alpha would take it.

  “Oh Rebel, I’m sorry. Going through a heat without blockers is rough. Would having another omega with you help? Do you want me to send Todd in to help you?” Trygg took a breath and I could imagine how difficult it must be getting to stand there and not break in. My pheromones were getting strong enough even I could smell them with my less sensitive omega nose. “Tell me what you want, babe.”

  “Please. Stay.” With those words, I opened the door and faced my alpha. Trygg stood there, heaving, with his hands braced on either side of the door as if trying to prevent himself from touching the door. “I’m tired of doing this alone. I need you. I need my alpha.”

  I looked directly in Trygg’s eyes so he could see my eyes and know they weren’t clouded with heat-induced desires. My heat wasn’t so far gone I didn’t know what I was saying yet.

  “Are you sure? This is something we should have talked about before your heat struck.”

  “I thought I had more time. I only just had one the week before our date. I shouldn’t have had another so soon.” I shrugged, unsure how to explain such a sensitive omega problem. We didn’t have a lot of time before talking would be almost impossible as instincts took over. “My heats are getting more erratic and closer together. Heat blockers aren’t working. Please stay and help me
through it.”

  I stepped into Trygg’s chest and those large arms wrapped around me, comforting me. Standing there, surrounded by my alpha’s scent, felt like home. In that moment, there was no other place I wanted to be. Whatever happened from this moment on, I knew I’d be doing it with my alpha. There was no going back after this.

  Suddenly, I wanted to be pregnant, knocked up with a little baby who was the perfect blend of Trygg and me. The thought took root in my brain, and my lips found Trygg’s. I was the aggressor and he let me lead the kiss, taking what I wanted, what I needed, from him. Not breaking our kiss, I stepped back into my room, dragging the man in my arms with me. Somehow the door closed, and we ended up with Trygg’s back to it while I ravaged his mouth, exploring every inch with my tongue. He tasted like peppermint with a hint of chocolate, like my favorite kind of candy.

  My cock started to twitch and swell. We were running out time. I broke the kiss, gasping for air. “Say yes. Say you’ll stay and be with me. Help me through this heat. All my heats from now on.” I was practically begging.

  “Always. I always want you, Rebel. I’d give you anything. Are you sure? I can still walk away if that’s what you need. I won’t lie and say it would about kill me but I’m still able to do that for you.” Trygg’s voice dropped another register as he spoke, his voice deeper than I’ve ever heard it. Lust gripped him as much as it did me.

  “I’m not so far gone yet I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m so tired of doing this alone. I need you. I promise this isn’t the heat talking right now. I’m not going to change my mind afterward and kick you to the curb. I promise.” His face was so full of hope at my words I knew there was no going back. I’d pushed my alpha away for the last time. Whatever happened from this moment forward, we would do it together.